Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How Can I Create a Gradient Background for Vinyl Photographs?

Print this articleOne of the operations many image-editing programs allow you to do is to create gradient backgrounds. A gradient background consists of two or more contrasting colors that are gradually blended together. If you have a vinyl-printed photograph that is just missing a good background to go behind it, you can use your image editor to create a gradient background with any colors you want. Once you have created your gradient, you can print it and use it as the background for your vinyl photo.

Related Searches:Difficulty:Moderately EasyInstructions 1

Open your image-editing program, such as Photoshop or PaintShop Pro, and open the “File” menu. Select “New” from the menu and input the desired settings for the height, width and resolution to create a new image. Ensure that the new image is at least 2 inches taller and 2 inches wider than the size of your vinyl photograph.


Click the “Gradient” button in the command bar -- the exact location of the button may vary depending on the image-editing program you’re using -- and select the gradient style, such as linear or radial, from the toolbar.


Use the Colors or Styles menu in the toolbar to set the colors for your gradient and then click and drag on the blank image. Release the mouse button to insert the gradient into the image background. If you want to try different colors or another gradient style, make your changes in the toolbar and then click and drag again to insert a new gradient. Click and drag in different directions to achieve different color levels.


Go to the “File” menu and select the “Print” option to print your gradient background when it is ready. Set the size in the print setup to “Actual Size” and then click “Print.” Place it behind your vinyl photograph as soon as it is done to add it as a background for it.

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